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Got spare change lying around?   Let it jump into action! Our amazing Jump 2B Fit team is gearing up to represent Bermuda all the way in JAPAN!   Every coin you can spare helps us get one step closer to the world stage. Dig through those couch cushions, car cup holders, and junk drawers—your change could help change everything!   Further Information: Instagram: @jumpropebermuda   Donate today and help us make the leap! #Jump2Bfit #TeamBermuda #FromChangeToChampions

by Jim Ramsay
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1 result found in Bermuda for open beach front restaurant
Nearly a century ago, Cambridge Beaches originated as the first cottage-style lodging in Bermuda. The spacious property is located on a slender, exclusive peninsula that is encircled by sparkling bay and ocean waves. The peninsula has been...

30 Kings Point Rd., Somerset, Bermuda, MA 02


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Bermuda's holidays are steeped in tradition and culture.
by Yabsta
Don't miss these great holiday events and activities in Bermuda! 
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